Coastal Maine and Fuji 100V

In my view, nothing beats coastal communities in the off-season. Then, long after the tourists have gone for the season, long after some of the seasonal shops and shacks close up for the winter month, is my favorite time to wander the coast, usually armed with a camera or two. In October, I did just that. Armed with my new-to-me Hassleblad 500CM and my Fuji X100V, I meandered around southern Maine coast and looked to see what I might capture: the very best way to spend a day or two. I already wrote a post featuring the images I took with the Hasselblad, so this one will focus on the images I made with the Fuji 100V.

My love affair with Fuji cameras began with the X-T10 in 2016. That camera led to the first of several of the interchangeable lens cameras (ILCs) in the Fuji ecosystem, and I’ve loved them all. But life changed when I purchased the X100F in 2018. I’ve shot some of my favorite images with the F, and when the V was released, I was allured by the weather-resistance option (with a filter) and was able to make the purchase well before the long waits and the price surges. Yes, the camera is an Internet favorite and super-hyped, but the X100 series—first the F and now the V—remains my favorite everyday carry camera.