One Journey Ends; Another Begins (Continues?)

As I write this, I’m in the final hours of my two-week trip that took me across 20 states, included 6 separate trains, one bus, one ferry, three hotel nights, two car rides (thanks to two amazing retreat-goers with cars!) and a four-night creative retreat facilitated by artist Anna Brones and sponsored by Freeflow Institute.

When the opportunity to attend a creative workshop with Anna, an artist I’ve long admired, I jumped at the chance. And then I wondered about the logistics. I really didn’t feel like getting on a plane and resuming the long slog of cross-country air travel—especially these days—and I had never, but always wanted to, take a long-distance train. So I did a ton of research and planning, and by the time the retreat rolled around in late February, I was ready to embark on a journey unlike any I had ever taken.

And it’s been incredible.

I forgot how much I enjoyed (and missed) interacting with strangers and striking up conversations. I missed seeing new places and experiencing new opportunities. I guess I’ve just missed being out in the world—location doesn’t matter so much, just the being out and about. I think I’m my best self when I’m open to the world around me, taking it all in, noticing the beauty, and trying to capture it all as best I can.

As I wrap up the nearly 170 hours I’ve spent on a train, I’ve had a lot of time to think, dream, plan, stare out the windows, and just be. And that’s been an incredible gift and privilege. I’m returning home with a clearer vision of what I want my future to look like, and I’m excited to get going on making all the ideas come to life.

So what does all this have to do with art? In a direct sense, I’m not sure. But it does have to do with life, my life, and that is one that is filled with art—my writing, my photography, my visual art. Here’s to the lessons I’ve learned (and been reminded of) these last two weeks, and here’s to the days to come. I hope you’ll be there along with me.


Today’s art: a quick sketch of my bags based on a few different photos of them and then watercolors. One of the reasons I love Cotopaxi? The bright colors!!

*My doctoral advisor and chair used to sign off all her conversations and correspondences with that simple word, and it gave me so much hope and confidence…and I love that one of my favorite writers, Liz Gilbert, uses the same word in many of her posts and writings. In the spirit of those two mentors, onward, friends. Thanks for being here.