Posts tagged Van
Farewell (and thank you) to our VW Eurovan Weekender

After two years and so, so many memories, we sold our 2002 VW Eurovan Weekender. While we’re looking forward to picking up the new rig that will mark the beginning of our van adventures 2.0 (stay tuned for more posts and info!), I’ll always miss the van. And so, at the expense of being overly sentimental, we offer this farewell/love letter/thank you card to our van…

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Peaks-Kenny State Park

Our 10th weekend camping trip took us to Peaks-Kenny State Park in Dover-Foxcroft, Maine, about 200 miles from home (199, to be exact)—a trip that took us a little more than 3 hours. We had never traveled to this part of Maine, as we’ve tended to stick to the state’s giant coastline for the last 20+ years. Peaks-Kenny is beautiful, with its 839 acres in the Maine Highlands and lakefront setting on Lake Sebec. And, like Mt. Blue State Park, Peaks-Kenny makes for a great family campground. For two adult campers who crave solitude and quiet (even in non-pandemic times!)? Perhaps not as much.

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G & T go to an RV show...oohs and ahhs

And so, on a cold Saturday in January, we found ourselves at the Boston RV and Camping Expo—oohing and ahhing at vans and RVs of all shapes and sizes. Hell, some of the RVs cost nearly as much as our condo—and seem just as big!! I’ve never been in an RV, and while I prefer a future in a small-ish van, G waxes poetically about RVs. I can’t imagine ever driving one of those behemoths, but I try to humor him.

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Our 2002 VW Eurovan Weekender: Celebrating one year as van owners

Last week, we celebrated our one-year vaniversary with our new-to-us 2002 VW Eurovan Weekender. This time last year, we took the plunge, swore to be with our van for better or worse, exchanged nervous glances, handed over a hefty $15K cashier’s check, and walked our way down the proverbial aisle—in our case, New Hampshire’s Route 16, as we drove our new love home from the White Mountains to the seacoast.

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Road Trip, Day 4 (Part II): Port Clyde to Bar Harbor

Ah, Bar Harbor...the town that perhaps set this entire road trip in motion 19 years ago. Then, we had been married a year and looking to do something small but special to celebrate our first anniversary. We initially thought of driving to Nova Scotia for a few days; however, with the cost of the ferry and the additional expense of bringing our car over, we deemed the trip would be too expensive. So we decided to at least do the drive and stay in the town from where we would have taken the ferry—Bar Harbor. And so began our love affair with Acadia National Park, which, according to the National Park Service is the “Crown Jewel of the North Atlantic Coast.”

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