Posts tagged Walking
Where the Woods Meet the Great Bay: Adams Point

On a rare off-weekend from camping, G and I decided to explore a nearby trail about 20 miles from home, the Adams Point Loop Trail in Durham, New Hampshire, located within the Adams Point Wildlife Management Area. At 1.5 miles, the trail is short and sweet, with terrific views along the way and what might be two of the best benches I’ve spotted on trails so far; and if you’re a fan of water views, this trail has them aplenty!

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A return to Gilson Pond Campground in Monadnock State Park (NH)

Over the July 4th weekend, G and returned to Gilson Pond Campground in Monadnock State Park. For being only about an hour and a half from home, the park feels much, much further away. And while folks might have been converging on the trails to hike Mount Monadnock, one of the most frequently hiked peaks in the WORLD, we opted for a quiet weekend with Gilson Pond as our centerpiece. And boy, did it deliver

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Two Great Walks at Camden Hills State Park

On a recent camping trip to Camden Hills State Park, we took advantage of two trails that offer some fantastic views—the Mount Battie Auto Road and the Shoreline Trail. With the option to drive or walk the auto road or take one of the many other trails up Mount Battie, everyone can access the gorgeous views—the same is true for the Shoreline Trail. Round-trip on the auto road was about 3.2 miles; from our campsite to the Shoreline Trail and back to the campsite was just under 2 miles. Together, about 5 miles of walking/hiking. Not a bad way to spend a beautiful June morning!

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