Posts tagged Canada
Road Trip, Days 20-21: A striped light, sunrise, and homeward bound

Well, we knew this trip would end at some point, right? And let’s be honest, two days of traveling home won’t really yield the most exciting blog posts, so I’ll save you all a favor and combine the days! On our visit to PEI last summer, we drove the entire way home in one shot—just more than nine hours of driving; I think it took us around 10+/- with stops. This year, we decided to break up the trip with a stop halfway, in Lubec, Maine—home to West Quoddy Head Light and the easternmost point in the continental United States.

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Road Trip, Day 19: Dunes, Anne, Dalvay, and a little mishap

I can’t believe that this day, Day 19, marks the last day we’ll be spending in the Maritimes. Tomorrow, Day 20, we’ll begin the travels back home. With just one day left to enjoy in Prince Edward Island, we made sure to include a few sights that we didn’t get to during our first visit to PEI last summer. While we did a bit of driving, the island is pretty small; nothing is really too far out the way. The day went perfectly…right up until I was about to call it a night and head to bed…but we’ll get to that soon enough!

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Road Trip, Day 18: Another ferry, another province, and a change in plans

As our trip winds down (ugh. don’t get me started), we’re spending two nights in Prince Edward Island, the island that made us fall in love with the Maritimes in the first place when we first visited last summer. This time around, we knew we had to include PEI on this year’s trip, even if for only a few days. While Charlottetown wasn’t originally on the itinerary, our change in plans made for a great excuse to return to the city that we enjoyed so much, even if afternoon/evening hours weren’t long enough to enjoy all that the city has to offer.

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Road Trip, Day 17: Bell in Baddeck and our farewell to Cape Breton

Day 17 had us traveling from Chéticamp, Cape Breton to hit up a few more sights and sites in Cape Breton to leaving the island and heading back to the Nova Scotia mainland. While the day had us driving quite a bit, we were able to break up the trip with a few fantastic stops: The Alexander Graham Bell Museum in Baddeck, St. FX in Antigonish, and then Pictou Lodge in Pictou, where would be spending the night.

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Road Trip, Day 16: Cape Breton's crown jewel and a few other gems in Cheticamp

Around every corner, the views just got more and more incredible as we made our way around the Cabot Trail heading toward the Skyline Trail, . As G navigated the van through the winding roads, I kept looking out both the front windshield and the rear window, ogling each view. We toured the Cabot Trail counter-clockwise, starting in Ingonish and ending in Chéticamp, so that we’d always be closest to the side of the water. Lots of folks do it the other way around and, honestly, I’m not sure one is “better” than the other. The views are stunning no matter which direction you’re headed!

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Road Trip, Day 14: A fiddle, a fort, a light, and a lodge

We’ve only just begun our exploration of Cape Breton Island, and I’m so looking forward to what awaits us these next few days. While the rest of the Nova Scotia is incredibly beautiful, there’s something about the wild, untamed, rugged landscape of Cape Breton that—already—is drawing me in. It’s like California’s Big Sur, the Green Mountains of Vermont (if Vermont were on an ocean), and the cliffs of Acadia National Park all rolled into one. It’s what I imagine Scotland and Ireland to look like. Cape Breton, you are stunning. Absolutely stunning. And this is the just the beginning…

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